Silla Parchís
28 years ago, all the students in the first year at ELISAVA designed and built their first chairs. This project becomes an event in the heart of Barcelona, the Ramblas. The place where all the students exhibit their chairs distributed in a certain order.
In this project I wanted to represent the stability of a wooden chair, giving it a dynamic counterpoint from the three primary colours.
To do this, I studied all the rules I had to follow and the ergonomics of the measurements of the human body. I began making many sketches, but it didn't take long to start and experiment with models made of microchannel cardboard. In doing so, I did not take into account the measurements of the human body at first. It was later that I applied it. These first models evolved until the final result was made with wood.
A chair of straight and stable forms with a dynamic counterpoint in the colours that remind us of the Parcheesi, hence its name. As if it were three Parcheesi tiles on a game board.
In this project I wanted to represent the stability of a wooden chair, giving it a dynamic counterpoint from the three primary colours.
To do this, I studied all the rules I had to follow and the ergonomics of the measurements of the human body. I began making many sketches, but it didn't take long to start and experiment with models made of microchannel cardboard. In doing so, I did not take into account the measurements of the human body at first. It was later that I applied it. These first models evolved until the final result was made with wood.
A chair of straight and stable forms with a dynamic counterpoint in the colours that remind us of the Parcheesi, hence its name. As if it were three Parcheesi tiles on a game board.